Sunday, December 03, 2006

When I want brilliant insights on foreign affairs, I turn to Fareed Zakaria. I mean, look how profound this thought is: "In addition, the policies that the United States has in place are at best inadequate. We have tried to handle Afghanistan with an Afghan strategy. But it is now clear that the only way to stabilize the country is to have a Pakistan strategy." (By the way, notice when you read the article, how often he talks about the US government and its armed forces as "we." I notice that many ethnic minority Americans do that: they want so bad to remind the White Man that they are Americans too.)
PS Notice that there is a section on the page for readers to submit questions to his eminence. Somebody should post this question to him. Mr. Zakaraia: why are you so brilliant in foreign affairs? Also, when he was at Foreign Affairs, he was known for being the most thin skinned person there is. He has a deep need for flattery--and he offers himself just that on regular basis: and anybody who does not review his book favorably gets banned from Foreign Affairs.