Friday, July 21, 2006
Wisdom on the Middle East. For a long time, American journalists--of the Left, Center, Right, and Nation magazine--would seek wisdom on the Middle East at the feet of the Israeli military/intelligence apparatus. But as of late, and to give an image of "objectivity," they now seek that wisdom at the Jordanian intelligence apparatus. Here, Ted Koppel reports the pearls of wisdom of Jordanian kukhabarat. It is too bad that he did not ask him about the notorious torture techniques of the mukhabarat. But then Koppel says: "Are the Israelis over-reacting in Lebanon?" He did not answer the question. He did not have to. Readers knew the answer: it is a resounding no. Hell, 95% of Israelis support the Israeli attack on Lebanon according to a latest poll. In the US, it could be higher than that, I don't know. But the New York Times, seeks balance on its op-ed page. So to balance the pro-Israeli views of Koppel, they have Thomas Friedman who reports the following: "That'’s why I find in talking to Israeli friends a near total support for their government's actions--and almost a relief at the clarity of this confrontation and Israel's right to defend itself." Don't you feel better now? Don't you feel that the US media is really "fair and balanced"? (Subscribers to the New York Times can now listen to an audio version of their editorials and op-ed pieces. I would rather listen to a 5-hour CD by John Tesh or Yanni.)