Sunday, March 12, 2006

Before flying to London (how can people travel to ME on non-stop flights?), I was able to watch AlJazeera's Hiwar Maftuh on Lebanon. There was an itnerview with sectarian war criminal, Walid Jumblat: again, he gets more and more pathetic and desperate by the day. He really think that the US will invade Syria in order to please his sectarian "progressive" and "socialist" party. He talks so respectfully of Wolfowitz and Kissinger: he now calls them Dr. Kissinger and Dr. Wolfowitz. How politce. I wonder why his sectarian followers call him. People are not even permitted to sit on the same couch with him. The feudal za`aim always has a separate chair when he meets with the masses so that his knees don't touch the poor people. People, I am told, are not allowed to kiss him in the Middle East manner. Some manage to kiss his hands. Oh, but he wears jeans: that means that he is down-to-earth and modest. Jumblat admitted that apologized to Wolfowitz: he did not explain the manner. Did he prostrate himself, or did he go on his hands and knees, did he utter curses for the Palestinians to please his new masters, or did he just hail the "liberation" of Iraqis. Oh, and did he discuss his anti-Semitism with Wolfowitz or was that not necessary because he now does not utter a word of criticism of Israel? And Jumblat still acts foolishly excited about "I found evidence on the internet." Does he know how foolish that sounds? Let him keep saying that, though I like it. This brilliant war criminal must get excited when he runs into a website that informs him that he won the biggest prize in Spanish Lottery, and that he must call a certain number. He must call that certain number all day long. It is the internet after all, and Jumblat believes everything on the internet. How modern, he is. After the interview, there was debate between Munzer Suleiman (a progressive leftist Lebanese) and the representative of the Lebanese Forces militia in US. Munzer (as I told him) did an outstanding job: he gave the most devastating critique of the "Lebanese lobby" and mocked it appropriately. He also, to his credit, expressed his views (against Jumblat and cronies and LF) unapologetically and unconditionally (although I told him that I disagreed with his defense of Lahhud and Syrian regime). He said that Lahhud is not corrupt: but his two sons have been very corrupt and have profited from their father's position. I really enjoyed watching the Lebanese Forces guy squirm non-stop. In the airport in SF (before arriving here in London to the lousy Heathrow airport) I watched Fox News on my cellphone. They had a one-hour special on Iran and the Bomb. It was quite deja vu: there was a "credible Iranian opposition group", there was evidence of WMDs, there was talk of a mad and dangerous leader of a ME country, there was talk about how "the West can't stand and do nothing", there was talk about "danger to Israel," I only missed references to Judith Miller. Having found Iraqi WMDs, I am sure that Miller can locate Iranian WMDs. Just give her a week. Maybe her friend Shahbour Chalabi will help in that regard. But at least I am certain that the US, the desires of neo-cons and Israel notwithstanding, will not attack Iran. There are no troops, and the sagging standing of Bush would prevent that prospect. Israel, however, maybe permitted, nay encouraged, to attack sites in Iran. Faysal Al-Qasim of Aljazeera: was so impressed with Amy Goodman when she was on his show two weeks ago. I told him that she is even more powerful here in the US in English without the slow translation process. He was thrilled with here presence nevertheless. Hummus Hit the Fan, again yesterday in Lebanon: a group of armed men (presumably Jumblat's followers) shot at two people in their car because they had a picture of Nasrallah and Birri on the car. This is a bad sign of things to come. More hummus will be spilled in that country. Those who cheered the Hummus revolution will live to regret their silly giddy reactions and celebrations.
PS. Hariri Minister of Ping Pong, Ahmad Fatfat stated that the shooting at the car in Damur was not political, but that the two were stealing fuel. Fatfat also added that he has solid evidence that Lebanon is more advanced than all other countries of the world. He did not talk about his links to Al-Qa`idah in the Dinniyyah region. He now is acting minister of interior in addition to his heavy duties as Minister of Ping Pong.