Saturday, February 11, 2006

Jamil was a close friend of my 1st ex-wife (not to be confused with my 2nd ex-wife). I have not talked to him in years when he tried after Sep. 11 to get attention to himself by saying the most ignorant and silly things about Arabs/Muslims. A sample of his ignorance from today's New York Times: "Mr. Khoury of Silk Road said that conservatism within Muslim culture may be one reason for the scarcity of Arab-American playwrights. Representations of the human form are frowned on, he said: women dancing, or performing in front of men is considered reprehensible." (I mean, what is "Muslim culture." Nobody who studies Islam and the Middle East should uses that term.) But then again, Jamil. Your name is in the paper. Open a champagne bottle, NOW. (I can't believe that I once wrote the Arabic calligraphy for one of his plays). Sep. 11 was a watershed. There is a number of people that I stopped talking to after Sep. 11 for their reactions to Bush and his reactions to Sep. 11.