Tuesday, August 12, 2014

"The Management of Savageness"

Just like in communism or in writing about Saddam by Kanaan Makiyya, there is a search for one document or one speech that can explain the enemy.  Similarly, terrorism experts in the US government stumbled upon the book "The Management of Savageness" (the translation should best render tawahhush as savageness and not savagery which is the official US and media translation of the title) and decided that it alone can explain the behavior of ISIS.  Terrorism center at West Point even translated the whole book and is used as a guide to understand and explain ISIS.  Not so.  The book is a very effective Jihadi manual of governance and it eschews the burdensome jargon of Islamist manuals.  It also has very practical recommendations but it alone can't explain ISIS and there is no evidence that it does. Take the section about oil, for example. The book recommends that oil fields and installations be bombed and destroyed while ISIS has been keen on utilizing oil installations. Just as one example.  There is no known author to the book although the book has the name of Abu Bakr An-Naji.  The style seems to have been written by an Egyptian, I maintain.  But ISIS seems to be writing its book as it goes along.