Wednesday, August 13, 2014

"Moral philosophy, Israeli-style"

From Eyal in 1948 Palestine: "Distinguished Israeli Philosoper and winner of the 'Israel Prize' Assa Kasher:

Says in an interview to 'Israel Today':

* "About the war, it is not yet time to voice criticism... One can say that war is gratuitous, that the government is mistaken, that negotiations should be better conducted. But the military is not to be touched [by criticism]... all critical stories... are out of place at the moment."
* "Yes [Al-Jazeera should not be allowed to broadcast from Israel]. A democratic state should not help those who wish to harm it... Terrorism is an attempt to frighten the populace and influence decisions in Israel, and Al-Jazeera is a branch of Terrorism."

Actually the title that story has sensationalizes the quote even further, but Israel Today is not known for its quality journalism or editing (but rather for being the Sheldon-Adelson-financed mouthpiece for Netanyahu)."