It just occurred to me. There is a level of a merit systems and professionalism here that we lack in much of the Arab world, with the exception of what relates to Zionist influence. Take the case of Iraqi Zionist, Kanaan Makiyya. After he prostrated himself to the Zionists in the late 1990s, he was rewarded with an academic chair at the Zionist university, Brandeis. What are his qualifications? He was a graduate student at MIT but never obtained a degree (notice in the bios in his books he says that he "attended" MIT). Worse, he is a professor of Arab politics there although he does not even have a BA in the field. As I wrote in Arabic, this level of politcial corruption is something that Nabih Birri has not done at the Lebanese University. This is something that would never have happened if the man in question is not a Zionist.