Friday, July 05, 2013

Govertment experts on Libya

From Peter: "Save the date: July 10, 2013.  This is the level of "expertise" in America these days.  I don't know if we should laugh or cry.  I am referencing the three WINEP clowns, not the relative of the victim (but what do they have to do with Libya?)...  The first three should be advising on Israeli settlement building codes instead.  They are more qualified.


Mr. Daveed Gartenstein-Ross
Center for the Study of Terrorist Radicalization
Foundation for Defense of Democracies

Mr. Aaron Zelin
Richard Borow Fellow      
The Washington Institute for Near East Policy

Daniel L. Byman, Ph.D.
Security Studies Program
Georgetown University

Mr. Mike Lovelady
Brother of Algerian gas plant terrorist attack victim, Victor Lovelady