Tuesday, May 07, 2013

Suhayr Al-Atasi

By the way, many of you ask me why I keep mentioning sarcastically, Suhayr Al-Atasi.  Because from very early in the Syrian uprising, I would appear on US college campuses with representatives of the Syrian exile opposition (this was back when college campuses would host anyone who is not a cheerleader of the Syrian "revolution" and when events were not--as now--exclusively hosted by Zionists on the campus), like the Syrian National Council.  And invariably, those representatives whether in Berkeley or in Ann Arbor or in Oregon would tell the audience that it is not true that the Muslim Brotherhood or Islamists are strong in Syria and that the entire rebellion (armed and unarmed) is led by liberal feminists like Suhayr Atasi.  Since then, I have been stunned.