Monday, September 24, 2012

Sayyid Qutb: his adventures in the US

A reader who does not wish to be identified sent me this:  "Your post on Sayed Qutb made me laugh. My dad, who's a fierce MB loyalist, used to tell me the same things, in fact used to cite Qutb's account of his stay in the US (and of course the baseless story of how all of America went to the street celebrating when he was executed). When I moved to Britain my dad would always ask me to be vigilant and cautious as Western women, apparently, have a full time obsession and that is to get me to sleep with them! 'They can't be trusted!' and things like that. 
I tried, repeatedly, to correct this view. Limited success so far.
Also, during my time in Saudi, and I'm sure you know this, imams in mosques would always talk about Western sex-crazed way of living (a mere reflection on Wahabi mentality in my opinion). I was talking to a comrade of mine, complaining about this and he said 'Oh God, I wish sex was that easy in the West!'"