Saturday, September 08, 2012

Myths about the Palestinian responses to Zionism

I invite all of you to read the massive volume by Akram Zu`aytir, titled The Palestinian National Movement: Diaries of Akram Zu`aytir.  It is available in Arabic but should be translated to every language.  It merely covers a section of the 1930s during the revolt but it put to rest any myth about Palestinian national inaction in the face of Zionist threats and challenges.  You read it and realize that the Palestinians did not rest for one day: they were working hard by all means necessary against British colonialism, Zionist aggression, and Arab regime inaction.  But the key element of the story is that the Palestinian did not stand still but they were alone--to alone, with the exception of Arab activists who had to contend with Arab regime repression that did not want to allow for action in Palestine.