Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Mustafa Tlas and the desperate Syrian opposition

The lies of Syrian opposition know no bound.  Mustafa Tlas, the buffoon former defense minister of Syria and the key aide to Hafidh Al-Asad, landed in Paris.  Immediately, Syrian opposition and Saudi media were ecstatic:they assumed a new high profile defector landed in their laps.  But Tlas has the corrupt and incompetence reputation of `Abdul-Halim Khaddam.  As soon as the news was spread in Syrian opposition media (and the pro-Qatar Al-Quds Al-`Arabi published the news on its front page and cited the lying Syrian National Council to the effect that Tlas had a fight with Asaf Shawkat, as if Shawkat or Tlas still wield power in Syria).  Within hours, Tlas contacted the live news broadcast of New TV and denied the story and talked about his good relations with Asaf Shawkat.  I mean, for the desperate Syrian opposition to hope to obtain the support of one of the most corrupt buffoon of the Asad regime is in itself an indication of the corruption of the Syrian opposition itself.  This is an opposition that would welcome Maher Al-Asad with open arms if he were to defect.