Saturday, February 11, 2012

BBC and CNN on Syria bombings

Don sent me this:  "The unbiased BBCNews:
"The goverment of course is blaming what they call 'terrorists'for this blasts[...] which are clearly play to the advantage in a sense of the regime because they can [...]discredit the whole uprising.[...]Similarily in Damascus itself, there have been two car bombings in December[...] and questions are beeing asked how could people carrying car bombs drive so close to security buildings? So that again will pesruade people who support the opposition that this was a regime job[...]but of course we have to keep an open mind, we don't know who did it, but it hasn't been part of the main stream opposition activity so far" Jim Muir. BBC
(I wonder if he therefore always reported that the bombs in the green zone could have been blown up by the US?)
CNN also puts "terrorists" twice in quotation marks, I would guess this is a first for CNN in general for any bombing like this?  Also the video accompanying the story about the bombing on CNN's start page, has nothing to do with the bombing but shows you tube videos from Homs instead"