Thursday, December 15, 2011

Bahrain update

From our chief Bahrain correspondent:  "Today was another horrible day in Bahrain. The protestors decided to start a new movement - occupy budaiya street. Budaiya street is the main road which links most of the villages in Bahrain. Of course the riot police responded violently as usual by shooting (not sure if its live bullets or rubber bullets) and teargassing everyone. They even went inside a cafe and teargassed the people sitting there who weren't protesting by the way. At least one person was killed (apparently run over by security forces but I cannot confirm) and several arrested including Zainab AlKhawaja [@angryarabiya] who was dragged by the police because she refused to move. This is all happening by the way while the UN is visiting Bahrain. Now tell me, if a UN visit can't make the regime at least pretend to respect human rights, what will?  Meanwhile this is what our delusional media is publishing:"