Wednesday, November 09, 2011

My stance on Syria

I can't cheer with regard to Syria: I can only mourn the dead.  Supporters of the regime often write to me or ask me: what about the security forces who are being killed.  My answer is cold hearted: I have no sympathy whatsoever for any Arab armies. Those are failed armies that did not defend lands from Israeli savagery and were only used for repression. Those are armies without glories.  So in Syria: i detest the regime and want it overthrown.  I don't trust the reform intentions one bit.  2) I detest and oppose the Syrian National Council: I view it as a mere front for the reactionary Ikhwan.  Syrian people deserve better.  3) I don't trust the "inside opposition" (Michel Kilo, Hasan `Abdul-`Adhim and the rest): I view them as too soft toward the regime and see them as shifty.  So I really hope for a new force inside to emerge with a new alternative although the regime has managed to arrest the best elements of the leftist opposition.  In the meanwhile, I can only chant with every Arab people: The people want the downfall of the regime.