Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Of course he is innocent: all Israeli terrorists are innocent

"They described him as an inquisitive and idealistic man from a secular Jewish middle-class family who had once considered joining the Peace Corps. His Israeli father is a podiatrist; his American mother is a violist in the New York Philharmonic.  Mr. Ackerman said Mr. Grapel had a strong social conscience and wanted to “do good in the world.” He said Mr. Grapel’s decision to post photographs of himself in his Israeli uniform on Facebook had been the innocent behavior of a typical 20-something.  “Ilan was an intern of mine in the summer of 2002,” Mr. Ackerman said. “I also know his family. He’s idealistic and interested in coexistence. Perhaps he was naïve. But he’s no spy.”"  Would he hire as an intern an American (with a dual Arab citizenship) who has posed in Hamas or Hizbullah's uniform on his Facebook?