Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Bahrain updates: a US arms sale to Bahrain approved

From Angry Arab's chief Bahrain correspondent:  "The US just approved an arms deal to Bahrain:
The arms deal is apparently dependent on the panel's findings:
Bahrain has already admitted that human rights violations have taken place but they are apparently not systemic: 
The King is planning a celebration when the Commission report comes out. Perhaps the King and Bassiouni can do the sword dance together.
Obviously the commission has already spoken to the King and the US about the findings of the report, despite the fact that the report is due on October 30.
Who are they kidding here????...On top of that, a congressional delegation just visited Bahrain. I really wonder what the US is cooking up for us...The commission report coming out in two weeks seems to be a US creation that is meant to exonerate the King and save the monarchy"