Thursday, September 08, 2011

What Robert Fisk liked about Kamal Salibi

"Several years later, after Hassan had unwisely mapped out the future of Jordan in the Middle East at a conference in London, King Abdullah was understandably enraged. Hassan sought Salibi's advice. "I told him to go and see the king at once," Salibi recalled for me. "And I told him to tell the king that he was very, very sorry.""  I can't read anything by Robert Fisk, especially in Lebanon, in which I don't get annoyed or in which I don't detect a fabrication or a fib or at least an exaggeration.  Look how he inserted Walid Jumblat in an obituary about Kamal Salibi, who mocked the narratives of sectarian feudal landlords and made fun of their Ottoman titles.