"Our March 14 contacts -- including Saad Hariri,
Marwan Hamadeh, and Walid Jumblatt -- tell us that they have
made contact with Amin, and are helping to broadcast his
message (such as the al-Arabiyya interview). While we would
certainly want to meet with the Mufti to discuss his ideas
more, we have been advised -- and ourselves agree -- that for
him to meet with representatives of the USG right now would
give his enemies ammunition to use against him. Our
political contacts have heard that Amin is already being
banned from participating in funerals in Tyre and other
areas. Furthermore, two days following Amin's appearance on
LBC, Hizballah's al-Manar TV reported (falsely) that the
Ambassador had requested a list of Shi'a opposed to Amal and
Hizballah in order to meet with them and propagate their
ideas. As is clear though, Ali al-Amin does not need any