"His attention span is fairly short, with his mind
quickly digesting broad outlines of subjects and racing from
one topic to the next. It is rare for him to stay on one
topic for more than a few minutes at a time, and he often
engages in "multi-tasking" -- flipping through channels on a
flat screen TV (which, like so many Hariri possessions, is
supersized), clipping cigars, paging aides, all while keeping
track of the discussion at hand. Unlike his father, who
consistently mantained a poker face that masked his true
feelings, the younger Hariri is expressive. Like his father,
however, he exudes supreme self-confidence, often saying, in
reassuring tones, "Don't worry," when questioned about
tactics. Many accuse him of overconfidence, in fact, while
others (playing the game of amateur shrinks) argue that his
projection of supreme confidence is a mask for insecurity at
discovering himself in a political leadership position thrust
unexpectedly upon him.
¶4. (C/NF) We have noticed that Hariri becomes impatient in
particular when two general subjects are raised: first,
other prominent Sunni figures in Lebanon, and, second,
Christian perceptions of excessive Sunni/Hariri power and
ambitions. When we suggest, for example, that he have more
high-profile consultations with Tripoli MPs like Mohammed
Safadi or Mosbah al-Ahdab (two Sunnis who are allied with,
but not formally part of, Hariri's Future Movement), he is
dismissive. "I am the Sunni leader of Tripoli," he once told
us (although whether out of misguided conviction or out of
bluster we do not know) when we suggested that his neglect of
Tripoli's Sunnis might allow pro-Syrians to fill the vacuum
-- as seems now to be happening."