Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Now Hariri

Regarding the website, Now (and forever) Hariri.  It was founded by the press office of Hariri Inc and later was taken over by Elie Khuri's Quantum group, which works closely with Zionists in the US.   I was talking to an American college student who worked in Now Lebanon.  She confirmed to me what I heard from other American college students who passed through Lebanon: that any American person passing through Lebanon is offered a job at Now Hariri (and they pay American and European nationals more than the natives--but that is not unusual in the region).  She observed that journalistic standards at her college newspaper are far more thorough and professional than Now Hariri.  What is also funny is that the Arabic section is far more pro-Saudi Wahhabi than the English section: but that is typical.  English language section of Saudi and Hariri media are always different than the Arab sections.  They think that they are fooling Western readers.