Sunday, June 19, 2011

Don "Assaad" Quixote from the Middle Ages

When the untalented sons of Mansur Rahbani think that they are being creative:  ""In Rahbani's theatre adaptation of Cervantes's classic novel, the protagonist hails from Lebanon, not La Mancha, and is a wealthy landlord named Don "Assaad" Quixote from the Middle Ages, who has been transported to a "modern city" in 2011.  Rahbani dismisses the caricature of Quixote as a man who embarked upon foolishly impractical pursuits of ideals and lofty romantic notions.  "He's a simple philosopher trying to spread a new spirit and encourage the people he meets to live a better life - against corruption and injustice," Rahbani says. "For example, he's against all the numerous political divisions in Lebanon. He's fighting the fragmentation - they are his windmills, full of colours, like the colours of the many political parties.  "His wish is for Lebanon to unite. But, people say he's crazy and they eventually kill him. Because there's a system that must continue. Outsiders and insiders kill him in the end.""