Friday, June 24, 2011

Can you imagine such an exchange on US radio?

From BBC radio:  ""Humphrys: . . . it's not surprising that Israel reacted the way it did, is it?

: . . . I am very proud and glad [they were] peacefully marching only to . . . really to draw attention to their 63-year plight.

: But they did not march peacefully, that's my point . . .

: None of them . . . was armed . . . [They were] opposed to Israeli tanks and helicopters and F-16s. You cannot even start to compare the violence . . . This is not a security matter . . . [the Israelis] always fail to deal with such a purely political, humanitarian, legal matter . . .

: Sorry to interrupt you there but . . . if I marched into your house waving a club and throwing a stone at you then it would be
a security matter, wouldn't it?

: I beg your pardon. According to the United Nations Security Council resolutions, those people are marching to their homes; they have the deeds of their homes; it's their private property. So let's set the record right once and for all."" (thanks Nu`man)