Thursday, April 07, 2011

Can you imagine if they investigate Halachic law in the US? On anti-Islam bigotry

It is a trend.  Various ambitious politicians are now rushing to investigate "shari`ah law" (this term is stupidly redundant because Shari`ah is in fact Islamic law) to prove their patriotism.   They are like Nazis in Nazi Germany investigating various aspects of Judaism.  In historical terms, Peter King and such characters will be remembered with the same scorn and contempt that we now look at Nazi anti-Semitic rabble rousers.  I mean, can you imagine the international uproar if a member of US Congress--one only--attempts to "investigate" Halachic law in the US?  It is as absurd as investigating Islamic law, and the danger of Islamic law being incorporated in the US is equal to the danger of Halachic law.  This is an open season for bigotry, and there are now increasing rewards in the political systems for expressing anti-Islam bigotry.  Worse, the cowardly president who wants to be president so bad, won't take one courageous stand in opposition to anti-Islam bigotry because he is trying so hard to prove that he is not a Muslim, and that he never was a Muslim.  What a pathetic political landscape.  The Democratic Party is the worst element in this whole picture because they stay silent.