Monday, March 21, 2011

Walid Jumblat and Marwan Hamadi: the worst Lebanese

"He concluded that today the tables have turned to Hizballah's advantage as the organization is founded on a "culture of death." Hizballah fighters want to die as martyrs and will not hesitate to blow themselves up to kill Israelis. In addition, there is a new generation of Israeli soldiers that are not as driven and motivated as their predecessors. He thinks this was illustrated in the past weeks of fighting and warns that it is dangerous for Israel and the region for this to be revealed...Yet to coax Berri, and ultimately Nasrallah, more destruction and occupation of the Shia south might be needed, until a Shia leader was ready to say "enough fighting." Hamade suggested that the occupation of villages would be blow to Hizballah because before the conflict all villages were liberated."