Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Walid Jumblat (the old one) was cited in the book by George W. Bush

"Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblatt warned parties against relying on the international community to support justice and freedom as he hailed Egypt’s popular uprising that led to the fall of President Hosni Mubarak’s regime. “Western leaders ignored the Egyptian people’s will to live in a democracy and preferred to support a regime that assumes its duty in protecting Israel,” Jumblatt said in condemnation of Mubarak’s rule. He added the West fell into a state of panic after the popular uprising. “Some [Western] states made late attempts to make up for the changes that resulted from the great revolution by pretending to support democracy while all they cared about was protecting [Mubarak’s] regime and Israel,” Jumblatt said in reference to U.S. stances in support of Egypt’s popular movement."