Monday, January 10, 2011

Partition of Sudan

A lot can be said. Yes, the Arab North (with Soviet and later US support) has dealt with the South with a combination of neglect, racism, and cruelty.  But Israeli dirty hands have been present in the Southern rebellion from the start (there is no secessionist or partitionist movement in the Arab world in which Israel has not been heavily involved: either in support of the government (like in Oman) or in opposition to government (like in Iraq, Sudan, Lebanon, etc).   But the referendum is a sham.  This is one of the most illiterate areas in the world.  The US creates an artificial mark for voter turnout level as a criterion, and then the US spends lavishly on a PR campaign in favor of the secession.  I mean, this is all cooked up by the US, no matter how much I condemn successive Sudanese government, especially the US puppet, the famous kook, Ja`far Numayri.  Also, there is something very fishy about the behavior of the tyrant, Omar Bashir.  He suddenly accepts the referendum and his ambassador even said that if the South wants to establish relations with Israel, it is their business.  Bashir has received (political and/or financial) payment from the US for his silence.  For a corrupt ruler like himself, all is possible.  And can he be more annoying than when he dances with the cane?  Oh, would Obama and Carter have been in favor of a referendum of the people of the South IN THE US prior to Civil War? Just asking, really.