Monday, December 20, 2010

Faruq Qaddumi

I can state without any hesitation that there is no decent leader or cadre left in the Fath Movement.  It is fair to say that the decent and the competent have all left the movement or have been killed by Israelis.  Look at the chief charlatan, Faruq Qaddumi, the so-called head of the Political Department of the PLO.  Qaddumi seasonably makes strong denunciations of the Oslo process and the Ramallah gang.  Earlier this year, he even accused (justifiably) the Abu Mazen gang of collusion in the plot to kill Arafat.  And seasonably, Qaddumi shuts his big mouth and return to silence. Why? Because he receives the funding that he wants for his offices in Hammam Ash-Shatt in Tunisia.  So after accusing Abu Mazen of responsibility for killing Arafat, Qaddumi has been secretly negotiating with Abu Mazen to resume funding for his offices.  Stay tuned. This is common in this most corrupt of "liberation movements".  You sometimes hear a Fath leader criticizing negotiations and the US: hell, Dahlan has been recently criticizing negotiations with the Israelis. Usually, it is a sign that they have been sidestepped or marginalized.  I thought of that when I read yesterday a statement by the lousy Nabil Sha`th.