Sunday, September 19, 2010

Mossad lies: a spy in the Nasser regime?

The mouthpiece of Prince Salman, Ash-Sharq Al-Awsat, published a lousy piece from Haaretz about an alleged Israeli spy who was able to "penetrate the elite" in the Nasser's regime.  I noticed that the original article is not available in the website of Haaretz (can some one find it in the Hebrew section perhaps?).  But read this article: the details in no way match the headline.  It is obvious that she did not have any access to the elite whatsoever and it is clear that she did not get any crucial intelligence.  But the House of Saud vulgarians could not miss an opportunity to smear Nasser in his grave because they could not dare challenge him in his lifetime, or they failed miserably when they tried.  This is like the Zionist lies about Elie Cohen and how they make him to be a prime minister of Syria in the 1960s.  But Mossad is desperate: they are so embarrassed about being exposed as a bunch of dumb idiots that they are now inventing lies from the past.

Victor and Barkia found me the Hebrew version.  Someone now needs to translate so that i can rebut.