Monday, April 05, 2010

The Nation magazine: an enemy of the Palestinian people

The Nation magazine under its current editor has consistently proven itself to be an enemy of the Palestinian people. One article after another, the Nation's coverage on Palestine drips with racism and with full identification with one version or another of gun Zionism. Look at this propaganda piece promoting the puppet of Israeli occupation, Salam Fayyad. What can I say about the article other than the author's proof about the goodness of Salam Fayyad is provided by a former official of the Mossad: "In the years since the 1993 signing of the Oslo Accords, huge sums of money had been wasted by the Palestinian Authority, said Alpher, "but Fayyad is now delivering on all fronts--security, economic development, a judicial system, prisons, even a bar code system, and he's wrapping it in a comprehensive program." Notice that the article does not speak about the record of the collaborationist regime on torture and various violations of rights. (thanks Jordy)

PS This author of this lousy article is also the author of a lousy fawning book on Golda Meir: the woman who ordered fighter jets to bomb children in refugee camps in Lebanon.