Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The White Man expresses concern over Middle East Christians

Ethan Bronner has yet another piece about the plight of Middle East Christians. Nowhere is there a mention of the role of Western governments and Israel in this flight. I mean, the creation of the state of Israel in 1948 was the most severe blow to the most vibrant and most influential of the Middle East Christian communities. And the flight of Middle East Christians is invariably due to 1) civil war or wars that are always the product either of policies of Western governments or of wars by Western governments (Lebanon, Iraq, Palestine); 2) due to sectarian immigration policies by Western governemnts which clearly favor Middle East Christians over Middle East Muslims; 3) economic policies are the main motive and many Muslims would also like to immigrate if they can, and many do. And there is no mention that the decline in secular culture was not coincidental but was the product of deliberate pro-fundamentalist anti-secular policies by pro-West tyrants: Saudi kings, Anwar Sadat, King Husayn, among others). Those anti-secular policies of the Western tools in the region were to the delight of the US during the Cold War. This article proves my theory (or one of them): that the White Man is worse when he cares than when he does not care. (thanks Joelle)