Tuesday, January 13, 2009

"Friendly Fire"

I have to say as an Arab who watched at age 7 the lies of Arab governments during the 1967 war (and I still remember the outrage of my father at those lies of Arab radio stations), I feel a certain consolation at the high level of Israeli lies in the 2006 war on Lebanon and the current war on Gaza. If you think about it: the Israeli military was telling us back in 2006 that its war was going great, and the New York Times and other Zionist publications in the US merely repeated their claims, and we remember when they announced the discovery of "dead Iranian bodies" in South Lebanon, and yet an Israeli investigation unwittingly exposed the lies of the Israeli government. And now, it is so clear that the Israeli military is lying, and those announcements of friendly fire are happening daily now. And why don't US newspapers refer to targets of Palestinian missiles as "Israeli military strongholds" and many are, just as they describe hospitals and mosques and schools as "Hamas strongholds". And the Israeli government only mentions targets of Palestinian missiles if they are not military thereby falsely claiming (as it did back in 2006) that all the missiles fell on civilian targets. The other side should do the same: only show reporters civilian targets of Israeli missiles and bombs although in the case of Israel, it is mostly civilian targets that are hit by its terrorist army. Also, don't you find it bizarre how Israeli terrorist soldiers are shown "going to war" when in reality they are going to butcher a largely civilian population that has no army. This is a war only in their heads and only in their propaganda publications.