Sunday, August 10, 2008

Look at this obituary of Darwish on CNN. First, of course, I don't expect anything less than stupid from CNN's coverage of the world. But Darwish did NOT give the Palestinian people their identity. It existed long before he was born. Secondly, notice that one of the most important element of his life is omitted from this obituary: that this man--this poet--was put under house arrest by the Israeli military occupation for close to a decade and only because he wrote poetry that offended Israeli occupiers of Palestine. Just think about that. This is why the question should always be: not why would anybody support Israel, but why would any humane person not to be opposed to the very existence of such a state. This is a state that puts a poet who never carried a gun under house arrest. A poet. (By the way, you may search the word Darwish to locate many translations of Darwish's poetry that I had previously posted). (thanks Nabeel)