Saturday, May 17, 2008

People who are close to me have been urging me for years to shut down the comments' section. I finally reached that conclusion. I mean, why should I give a free platform to Zionists, Harirites, and Lebanese Phalanges? I am going to give this a week, if the spamming and the repetitious postings and the falsification of names continue I will close down the section completely and permanently. It has become a festival of hate and venom--from both sides.
PS Basically, I will wait one week to see if people can adhere to the simple rules: that they use their names when posting, that they don't make death threats, that they link to articles but not post the whole articles, and that they refrain from expressing hate toward whole peoples and such. Otherwise, the comments will still not be censored or edited. If that does not happen, I will close down the comments' section permanently.