Saturday, January 05, 2008

Soy Milk and Lebanonesia. There is banana flavored soy milk in Amsterdam. Angry likes that very much; but we have more brands of soy milk in US. You can find decent soy milk in Islamabad, and lousy ones in London. But the worst soy milk you will find--you guessed it--in Lebanon. But I should not pile on Lebanon: I mean the place is contributing to civilization non-stop. As we speak, a Lebanese has criss-crossed from the North Pole to the South pole on one foot (while carrying a monkey on his head), and holding three water melons, and while receiving phone calls from Fu'ad Sanyurah, and dressed only in shorts, and during the trip--kid you not--he also "invented" a cure for cancer but that is not a big fete as Lebanese "invent" cures for cancer almost weekly--as I read in An-Nahar--the right-wing, sectarian Christian, anti-Syrian (people), anti-Palestinian (people), pro-House of Saud newspaper. And don't forget to tune in to LBC-TV's Kalam An-Nas next week as the Lebanese genius, Michel Obeid, who "ivented" a cure for cancer last year in France, will be the guest of honor. Apparently, he came to his discovery by chance: while mixing Tabbulah and potatoes in a blender.