Sunday, December 09, 2007

When I read stories like that, I not only get mad at the masses but also at the lousy Arab and Muslim governments that are looking for a lousy cause to allow their masses to vent, so to speak. Just like the story of Danish cartoons: a combination of political and religious demagogues fanned the flames of protest. But remember that when the tele-Islamist, Yusuf Al-Qaradawi, tried to inflame the masses further he was ignored. This story of Muhammad, the teddy bear, is clearly exploited by the lousy Sudanese government. By the way, when the teddy bear was first produced: it was a marking tool for the campaign of Teddy Roosevelt. But the histories of that era also mention that a rival political, William Taft, started marking his own version of a pet toy animal: it was named Billy Possum. But when kids saw them, they were terrified. This explains why you never have heard of it.