Wednesday, July 04, 2007

When Thomas Friedman Thinks He Is Being Philosophical. "Of course, not all Muslims are terrorists." Thomas Friedman thinks that he is being liberal or sensitive when he says that. Are you aware of the bad implications of such a statement? This is like a racist saying "Of course, not all blacks are backward." Or like an anti-Semite saying: "Of course, not all Jews are stingy." It is amazing how openly racist the US press has become since Sep. 11 (and the distinction between liberals and conservative is meaningless here. He then says: "But it’s been widely noted that virtually all suicide terrorists today are Muslims." Widely noted? You mean that one article by your friend, the House of Saud's propagandist, `Abdur-Rahman Ar-Rashid, (who was translated by MEMRI where you get all your knowledge of Arab discourse)? That claim that he made has now become "widely noted"? In fact, the evidence is against that claim, o Mr. Widely Noted. Go read Robert Pape's Dying to Win. But why do I get the impression that you never read a whole book, with the exception of the press releases of MEMRI?