Friday, May 25, 2007

From interviews with displaced refugees conducted yesterday by Rania Masri and Jackson Allers (excerpts):
"Question: When did you leave Nahr el Bared? Could you describe the situation?
G. Krayaam: We left yesterday. What can I say? The fighting wasn’t against Fateh el Islam. The fighting was against our homes. Our homes were destroyed. If you were to go inside the camp, and see the camp for yourself, you would say the same. No homes [are] left. The homes on the extremity of the camp have all been destroyed. People left the extremity of the camp and went into the center of the camp, and the bombing followed them. We, in the center of the camp, received two bombs on our home. Our son was hit. He was inside the house. He is 27 years old. He was hit while in the center of the house. God knows, he was inside the house. Now, he is on his way to the zgharta hospital.
Question: And you came here to the Badaoui Camp?
G. Krayaam: We came here to Badaoui. [We are] 42 people. I swear to God, we slept on the floor. I swear to God Almighty, we slept on the floor."