Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Hanady sent this today with this comment: "Fadi Dhaine was busy today , aug 9th . He was saying goodbye to his wife Fatmeh and his 20 month old Mohamad who were killed by the Israelis onMonday the seventh of August when the Israelis decided to kill civilians in their homes in Chiyah."
To that I add this: If they ask you who did that to Lebanon and to the Lebanese (and to Palestinians in Lebanon), tell them: Israel. TELL THEM: ISRAEL. If they ask you who supported the Israeli war of aggression (directly and indirectly), tell them: US, EU, UN, Libya, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Egypt, Jumblat, Hariri, Patriarch Sfayr, and Sanyurah. And if they ask you whether the victims will be forgotten, tell them: NEVER. And if they ask you whether Israel (as a racist, colonialist, and occupying state) will be integrated into the region, also tell them: NEVER.