Friday, July 28, 2006
So the New York Times has been eager, nay desperate, for any Lebanese opinion against Hizbullah. Hell, they have been citing Israeli "experts" in order to advance "theories" about the Lebanese people. And you remember the Bar Illan University professor who talked about clashes between "Khizbullakh" and "other southern Lebanese". But it is common in the US media to allow Israelis to speak for Arabs. Arabs can't speak for themselves, if you have not noticed. Here is one article in the New York Times. So where did the New York Times go for this? The village of `Ayn Ibil--the capital of Israeli collaborators and spies during the long years of Israeli occupation of Lebanon. I am not saying that all the people of `Ayn Ibil were collaborators, but this was notorious, just as there were towns that were notorious during the Nazi occupation of France. `Ayn Ibil was a stronghold of SLA.