Thursday, July 20, 2006

Saudi Fatwa Against Hizbullah. Senior Saudi cleric, `Abdullah bin `Abdur-Rahman bin Jibrin issued Fatwa number 4174. It is in response to this question: (my translation)
Q Is it permissible to support the Rafidi (a pejorative word used by fanatics like Zarqawi and other Bin Ladenites to refer to Shi`ites) Hizbullah?...
A It is not permissible to support this Rafidi party and it is not permissible to join under its leadership, and it is not permissible to wish them (from God) victory and empowerment. And our advise to the people of Sunnah is to distance themselves from them, and to denounce those who join them, and to show their hostility to Islam and Muslims, and their harm, in the past and in modern times. The Rafidah always harbored hostility to Sunnis, and how they always try to show faults in Sunnis, and to betray them and undermine them...."