Monday, July 17, 2006

Adnan Abu Oden is a sociologist and Angry Arab is a dentist. The leading article by Hassan Fattah in the New York Times today (and the leading headline of the print edition of the paper) had this headline: "Israel Bombards Lebanon After Hezbollah Hits Haifa with Missiles." Look at the chronological account of this classic headline. In other words, Israel did not hit Lebanon until after the bombing of Haifa. So the children of Marwahin who were butchered by proud Israeli pilots were not hit after all, according to the New York Times. They must have died from a very strange disease that afflicted them just as they were fleeing the imaginary bombing of their village. And then Hassan Fattah, who is jumping up and down celebrating the alliance between Zionism and House of Saud, interviews "some Arabs." The first one is identified simply as "Jordanian sociologist." Who was this person? Adnan Abou Odeh. Sociologist? And I am dentist. This old-time Hashemite Jordanian propagandist who spent his life serving in different official capacities including Minister of propaganda for the king during Black September had his resume changed by Fattah to present him to the ignorant readers of the New York Times as an impartial observer. He also interviewed Hanna Saniora, who is despised by his own people for being in the lap of the enemy. And typically, the print edition of the Times had pictures of Israeli civilians in agony but not of Arabs of Lebanon.