Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Despite political disagreements, I wish to salute Ghassan Tuwayni today. He made the most humane and the most wise statement about the death of his son, his last surviving child. He called for an end to hatred and differences. Even his last editorial before the death of his son expressed his wish that his son does not deviate from "appropriate" civil differences with the speaker of parliament. As some of you know, Ghassan Tuwayni has lost his daughter to cancer, his wife to cancer, and his son to a car accident, and now has lost Jubran. Politics aside. I am not talking politics here. Ghassan mentioned the advocacy of his father on behalf of the Palestinian cause. Jubran Sr. was a strong advocate on behalf of the Palestinian cause. Ghassan's record is much different; he was a godfather of the May 17 Agreement, as you remember. But Ghassan has a certain secular and Arab vision for Lebanon, unlike his late son. The record of Jubran was quite different: through his tenure at An-Nahar in the 1990s, he led a vicious campaign against the Palestinians and Syrians in Lebanon. And he often spoke about Palestinians and Syrians--Syrian people--in Lebanon in a coded language that racist Lebanonese would clearly understand. His references to Shi`ites as "sheep" was of course less coded. His paper (and his articles) would refer to the most inflated figures of the Palestinian and Syrian population in Lebanon. In that sense, if truth is to be told--and it can't be told in Lebanon today, just as it could not have been told in Lebanon during the days of Syrian political and military domination in Lebanon--the vicious anti-Syrian and anti-Palestinian agitation on the pages of An-Nahar is at least indirectly responsible for the attacks on the Syrian people in Lebanon, and which have not stopped, and which go on unreported, especially in the Lebanese, Arab, and US media.