Sunday, January 02, 2005

For a long time, the US government castigated AlJazeera and AlArabiyya TV alike. They declared both as enemies of the US. Now, the US is taking note of AlArabiyya's attempt (and Saudi Arabia behind it) to please US, and further its interests, especially in Iraq. In a year-end review, AlArabiyya reviewed developments in Iraq, without mentioning the scandal of Abu Ghrayb. AlArabiyya barely mentioned the killing of their reporters by US troops in Iraq. Several times per hour the station airs propaganda commercials for the Iraqi puppet government, and this week the station will begin a series on Iyad `Allawi (coinciding with the Iraqi puppet elections) conducted by `Allawi's semi-official advisor, right-wing Lebanese journalist Elie Naquzi. The New York Times today published a laudatory article on AlArabiyya TV which even included a highly unprofessional section, in which the editor of the station criticized one of his reporters, to please American readers. There is even admission by one reporter that on-air anchor people are urged to cut-off statements that are highly critical of the US. I have noticed that myself. Saudi Arabia's royal family is playing this game: they allow their money to fund religious fanaticism in the Middle East, and also some pro-American (ostensibly quasi secular) Arabic publications and media, like Ash-Sharq Al-Awsat and Al-Arabiyya TV. The brother-in-law of King Fahd is behind Al-Arabiayya, so do not expect any enlightenment there.