Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Packaging Islam to Western audiences: "The Study Qur'an"

I have not read this work but will comment on one section about women and the permission for the husband to hit a woman: "One of the most controversial sections of the Quran, 4:34 is sometimes derisively called the "beat your wife" verse. It says that if men "fear discord and animosity" from their wives, they may strike them after first trying to admonish their spouse and "leave them in bed."  "It's obviously a difficult verse," said Dakake, the only woman on the translation team of "The Study Quran."  "I found it difficult when I first read it as a woman, and when people today, both men and women, try to address the meaning of the verse in a contemporary context, they can find it difficult to understand and reconcile with their own sense of right and wrong."  But Dakake said that while reading through the reams of commentary, she found that Mohammed did not like the verse, either. In one hadith, or saying attributed the prophet, he reportedly said, "I wanted one thing, and God wanted another."  "That was very meaningful to me," Dekake said. "We can say, looking at this commentary, that hitting your wife, even if it is permitted in the Quran, was not the morally virtuous thing to do from the point of view of the prophet."""  Look: this is not a satisfying effort, nor is it reliable.  It is not that there was one verse in the Qur'an and that was it. This was, and Dakake does not say that, reaffirmed by the Prophet himself in the Pilgrimage speech when he said: "Don't hit them harshly".  The many reliable (Sahih) Hadith of the Prophet don't support the contention of Dakake at all.