Thursday, November 19, 2015

An intelligent discussion on Syria on US TV

"CHRIS MATTHEWS, MSNBC HOST: No, what do we do with the refugees? They`re pouring into Europe. They`re pouring -- they want to come here.

RUDY GIULIANI (R), FMR. NEW YORK CITY MAYOR: You pour them back into Syria and you put them in a no-fly zone in Syria. And you say, This is going to be a safe -- as we do in other civil wars. This is going to be a safe place. Have them surrounded by NATO troops to protect them. We have airplanes that protect them, airplanes...

MATTHEWS: OK, you`re a big city mayor. You know how cosmopolitan area -- how do you carefully deal with the Muslim community? Because I mean, Donald Trump is talking about shutting down what he considers hard-line mosques. Now, a hard-line mosque, we know what that is, somebody who`s screaming for war, perhaps. But what about the ones where they`re just Islamist? They have a ...

GIULIANI: I don`t agree you shut them down. But I do agree you can have police in there listening to what they are doing. In fact, I`m the mayor who put the police in. Bloomberg continued it, and de Blasio took them out. There`s nothing wrong with policemen sitting in mosques and churches and synagogues...

And sometimes, it`s not imam. Sometimes it`s the people in the mosque themselves. The imam`s fine. The people in the mosque get together and they radicalize themselves. Now, you get undercover cops in there and you start to find out about it, you can get intelligence and you can prevent something like this. You got to be in the mosques." (thanks Basim)