Sunday, September 13, 2015

It is over: Hizbollah is losing support among the base

So Hizbullah, according to Sulome, is losing support among the base. What is her evidence? Karim. Karim told her that he no more believes in the cause.  But is there any other evidence? Well, yes the slew of March 14 people she interviewed for this article.  She makes no mention that enemies of Hizbollah in Lebanon, like the Hariri Saudi camp, have been far more opposed to the protest movement than Hizbollah, whose parliamentary bloc offered the most public support for the movement of any other blocs in parliament. But then again: this is not important.

PS Hell, I have lived in the US since 1983 and I have read over the years articles about how the Iranian regime is losing support and how the son of the last Shah is hugely popular there. Hell, I remember the articles about how Ahmad Shalabi will lead Iraq into a peace treaty with Israel.
(Oh, thanks Marc for the article)