Friday, September 18, 2015

Crucifixion of teenager in Saudi Arabia highlights Britain's business deals with despots

"Whenever we think the barbarism in the world cannot get any worse, someone proves us wrong. This week the Saudis have tried to do it again: they plan to crucify Ali Mohammed al-Nimr, a juvenile." "The British government has a project called "Just Solutions International", one of those euphemisms that almost certainly covers up a plethora of wickedness." "One of the "just solutions" upon which they have embarked is to accept money to "conduct a training needs analysis for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia prison service staff." What does this entail: How to torture a juvenile? How to affix him to the cross?" "When will the government learn that to cosy up to despots means that we are on the wrong side of human rights, and ultimately the wrong side of history."