Saturday, August 15, 2015

The racist Huffington Post's defense of its Arabic branch

This is a horrible defense by the Huffington Post's Washington, DC office for the lousy Ikhwan-leaning and Qatari regime sympathizing Arabic Huffington Post.  The language is nothing short of racist: he says "Societies evolve" as if to say that the US is far ahead of the Arab world and that we can't expect the progressive Huffington Post in Arabic to be on the same level with the superior White Man operation in the US.  The writer is implying that there are no progressives in the Middle East and he reproduces dubious polls to basically suggest that all Arabs are homophobic (unlike Israel or the US?).  The writer is also dishonest when he maintains that all sides criticized Huffington Post Arabic and that religious conservatives criticized it when they have not. It is an Ikhwan editorial policy and they feature the tele-Islamist Amr Khalid (and he was mentioned in Saudi Wikileaks which is not surprising as his message is in synch with the Gulf regimes). Why would they be opposed? It is only the progressives who criticized the Huffington Post.