Tuesday, May 05, 2015

Women in the Middle East: Who cares about documentations and citations when you like the message?

"On Page 5, she writes that “90 percent of women who have ever married in Egypt have had their genitals cut in the name of ‘purity.’ ” Two pages later, she cites statistics from Yemen — “49 percent of women are illiterate, 59 percent do not participate in the labor force” — and then describes “horrific news reports about eight-year-old girls dying on the evening of their ‘wedding’ to much older men.” These are important allegations, and they would be strengthened by attribution, either through citations in the text or in footnotes. One wonders: Where was the editor on this book?"  You are happy as long as she vomits such absurd claims: "Girls simply walking on the street in Algeria can be arrested and taken to hospitals, where doctors probe them in “virginity tests” to ensure that their hymens are intact."